Written by: Venice Anne D. Avendaño
Our lives are blessing from God. We were created and given life for a purpose. Pastor Rick Warren said on his teachings that ‘We were created in God’s image to do two things on Earth: learn to love God and learn to love other people. Life is all about love.’ And the Bible says in 1 John 4:8, He who does not love does not know God, for GOD IS LOVE. Life is meaningful because there is love. More importantly, we know that there is God. We are here because God wanted to love us, He has the best plan, and He had made us the way we are.
There are people who think they are worthless, unlovable, lonely, and just one who wish they never existed. Do they love? One might say, of course they do. They do have hearts. They might not love themselves but they do love others, or at least just someone. They know how to love but they don’t feel like they are loved. How about a drug addict? An ex-convict? A killer? A thief? A slut? Do they love? Maybe yes? Maybe no? But as I have said, we all have hearts. We are humans. And so we love. Do you think they have a meaningful life?
Life is a journey and God started your journey. Be reminded that you are in charge and liable for each step you are going to take. Your journey is in your hands, you are in control so that choose to take the best step that will define your life and remember that God is with you from the very start to guide and support you.
Are you in a difficult situation of having family issues or problems? Are you envious because you don’t have a better life comparing to others? Are you mad because you hate the way you are raised by your parents? If so, I am telling you this: It is in you on how you would respond in such situations. You will be better than what you are now if you choose to implement change within you. Do not focus on circumstances that you cannot control. You are made capable of seeing good from bad things in life so choose to act rationally. Take a step up to improve yourself.
People, we are the ones creating our own lives. We do not have the right to blame others for our own fault for we have been given freedom to choose and we run by our own not by others. Did you choose to create a meaningful journey? Or you just choose to get rid of that opportunity that was given to you to create a meaningful life and do such foolish things? Let us make our lives meaningful by fulfilling our purpose and make the best decision upon God’s will. Love God and love other people. Serve to God and serve to His people. Do not be selfish, because it is better to give. Be the one who others aspire. That way, your life would totally be meaningful.
Content: 514 words