DM-No.-205-s.-2020: Knowledge Level Survey On Financial Literacy For DepEd Personnel

  1. In consonance   with   the  issued memorandum       OM-PHRODF0 -2020-00384 dated November 6,     2020 by  the     Bureau     of   Human       Resource    and Organizational Development-Employee Welfare Division (BHROD-EWD) regarding their program on Personnel Financial Management  (PFM)  which  aims  to  address  the  financial wellness of  DepEd  employees,       all   division   personnel, both teaching and non-teaching, regardless of employment status are  required  to  accomplish  the  online  survey  form on or  before  November  27,  2020,  through  this  link: FinLit  KnowledgeSurvey. All division chiefs, unit heads and school heads are obliged to submit  status  report regarding   this   matter.
  1. Information given on the said survey form shall only be used for the said purpose and shall adhere to the provisions of the data privacy
  2. For strict compliance .
