- This Office announces the conduct of the Division Open Ranking for Principal III and II positions on October 20 and 21, 2020, respectively, at 9:00 in the morning, at the Schools Division Office Conference Hall.
- Applicants shall submit their pertinent documents for initial evaluation on October 15, 2020 at the Records Section. These documents shall include mandatory Certification of Non-Unliquidated Cash Advances from the Accounting Unit. Failure to submit on the said date would mean automatic disqualification from the ranking.
- To ensure uniform implementation of the merit principle in the selection of candidates, the ranking process shall be guided by DepEd Order 42, s. 2007 titled The Revised Guidelines in the Selection, Promotion, and Designation of School Heads.
- In consonance with the Merit Selection Plan of the Department, applicants who shall be included in the Top 5 and who obtained the required number of points shall undergo deep selection process and in-depth performance validation by the Human Resource Management Personnel Selection The results of the deep selection and validation shall be the basis for recommendation to the appointing authority.
- Immediate and dissemination of this Memorandum is desired