DM-No.-218-s.-2020: Division Online Orientation On Guidelines For Assessment And Grading In Light Of The Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan

DM-No.-218-s.-2020-Division-Online-Orientation-on-Guidelines-for-Assessment-and-Grading-in-Light-of-the-Basic-Education-Learning-Continuity-PlanPursuant to DO No. 8, 2015 – Policy  Guidelines on  Classroom  Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program, and in accordance to DepEd  Order No. 031, s. 2020 re: Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading that will be implemented this school year 2020-2021, the City Schools Division shall conduct an online orientation on DepEd Order No. 031, s. 2020 through the Curriculum and Implementation Division on December 04, 2020 via MS Teams.